
Catholics in the DRC

Each year Target Sarl surveys the evolution of the Congolese religious membership. In 2022, the Catholic Church led with 39% of believers countrywide.

Since 2018, this trend has not been steady, and figures have fluctuated. In 2018, Catholics represented 35% of believers. In 2019 and 2020, a dwindling (33 and 34%) has been noticed.

In 2021 and 2022, believers' numbers increased significantly (38% and 39%) due to the popular motivation for Pope Francis's apostolic visit to the DRC.

In contrast, some other recognized religions prevail in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), among others: Protestant (23%), Revival Church (15%), Pentecostal (7%), Brahmanist (5%), Jehovah's Witness (3%), Muslim (2%), Kimbanguiste (2%), Neo Apostolic (2%), Adventist (1%), Methodist (1%), Other denominations (1%), Refusal to believe (2%).

Among Catholic believers, most people are aged 50 (49%). Also, women are more numerous than men (37% versus 34%).

In Kinshasa, Catholic believers represent 26%, which refers to the multiplication of independent churches that hardly identify as part of the so-called revival movement. Kinshasa is the largest of the six archdioceses of the Catholic Church in the DRC.

The province with the most significant number of Catholic believers is Haut-Uélé (61%). This province is historically significant for Catholicism in the DRC because of the blessed journey of Sister Anuarite Nengapeta.

After Haut-Uélé, three provinces take the second position: North Kivu, South Kivu, and Tshuapa (50%), unlike Lualaba because there is a smaller number of Catholics (13%).

Apart from the religious aspect, the Catholic Church also owns several hospitals, schools, and social infrastructures in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has 48 dioceses and six archdioceses, including Kinshasa, Bukavu, Kananga, Kisangani, Lubumbashi, and Mbandaka-bikoro.

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Thursday, February 23, 2023 - 12:13